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I'm Paul Wise (aka pabs) from Australia, Earth. I'm interested in free software, open publishing, activist geekery, activism, environmental science/gis, molecular biology/bioinformatics and other things. I have a BSc (in Biotechnology and Environmental Science) and am living in WA for the near future.


I do freelance computer related work, including development, hosting, office setups and so on. Please contact me for more information. My résumé is available in HTML form.


I was interviewed at linux.conf.au 2014 by James Bromberger and online by Zlatan Todorić.


If you want to contact me, download my public vCard and contact me using the most appropriate method (email/chat/im/irc/etc). If it is about one of my patches or projects, please use the bug tracker or mailing list if available. I prefer gpg encrypted email if you have that capability and I prefer to chat using the off the record messaging if possible. Be sure to upload your GPG key to the keyserver network before sending me encrypted mail.

gpg/ssh keys

My gpg key(s) are available from the public keyserver network and from keys.indymedia.org. You can also download my current gpg key. I generally generate a new ssh key for each server, but you can download my main ssh key (gpg signature).

other pages

misc: flickr openstreetmap archive.org
instant message: yahoo icq gravatar oftc libera hackint jabber.org debian
wiki: indymedia debian twiki synfig u-f-s openmoko fileformats archiveteam wikipedia openstreetmap thinkwiki softwareheritage ikiwiki fsd git freedesktop microformats bootstrapping myrepos
bugs: debian (maint) gnome mozilla freedesktop mapserver thuban intellinuxwireless gentoo kde wine maptools linux pidgin ruby josm openstreetmap mindrot redhat document foundation tor wildfire games wz2100 coreboot abisource libsdl sourceware samba astron sourcehut shr wireshark cppcheck virtualbox smartmontools webkit
development: alioth savannah sourceforge freshmeat/freecode codecoop salsa mentors launchpad github gitlab notabug gnomefiles coreboot blender fontlibrary lighttpd osmocom freedesktop gnome aur sourcehut gna pypi opencode pling bitbucket pagure replicant tor softwareheritage kde
blogs & forums: HN slashdot khmeros nsis xchat (posts) drupal synfig (posts) ask debian debian forums (posts) LWN riseup wz2100 (posts) maemo advogato whirlpool debian-administration engagemedia opengameart libsdl metamorphoselinux (posts) (kde)(https://identity.kde.org/index.php?r=people/view&uid=pabs)


You can view my browser bookmarks. I also have an old file of cool links that I collected ages ago.


I use the testing distribution of Debian GNU/Linux. I use gnome, scite/nano/gedit, iceweasel, the gimp, xchat/pidgin, evolution/mutt and various other programs.



  • Debian improvements
  • Free winmodem and wireless drivers.
  • Free libraries, apps or specifications for: Skype, TeamSpeak, ECW, StuffIt and Bink Video.
  • Free firmware, free hardware!


  • world peace/etc