import xchat import sys import re __module_name__ = 'autoidentify' __module_version__ = '0.1' __module_description__ = 'Auto-identifyies with nickserv, auto-ops using chanserv, on the indymedia network' #FIXME: get some stuff from the preferences #main_nick = xchat.get_prefs('irc_nick1') #other_nicks = ( xchat.get_prefs('irc_nick2'), xchat.get_prefs('irc_nick3') ) main_nick = 'pabs' other_nicks = ( 'pabs3', 'pabspabspabs' ) password = None oper_password = None oper_modes = '+bcdfknrswxyzl' oper_modes = '' operserv_password = None sys.path.append('.xchat2') sys.path.append('~/.xchat2') from passwords import * networks = ('', 'Indymedia') nickserv = ':NickServ!' operserv = ':OperServ!' identified = 0 not_registered = re.compile( 'The nickname ..([-a-zA-Z0-9_|]*).. is not registered' ) get_old_nick = re.compile( ':([^!]*).*' ) debug_xchat = 0 debug_file = 0 user_oper = 1 info = [] # TODO # on startup, store all the channels and perform appropriate stuff # hook channel creations, lossage, op changes... def log(msg): if debug_xchat: xchat.prnt( msg ) if debug_file: f = open('autoidentify.log', 'ab') f.write(msg) f.write('\n') f.close() def raw_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): global identified log( 'raw_cb: %s' % word_eol[0] ) def notice_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): global identified log( 'notice_cb: %s' % word ) if word[0] != nickserv and word[0] != operserv: return xchat.EAT_NONE if xchat.get_info('network') not in networks: return xchat.EAT_NONE notice = word_eol[3][1:].strip() if word[0] == nickserv: if notice == 'This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via \x02/msg NickServ identify \x02.': log( 'notice_cb: Identifying' ) if not identified and password: xchat.command('nickserv identify %s' % password ) identified = 0 elif notice == 'You are now identified for \x02%s\x02.' % main_nick: log( 'notice_cb: Getting operator status' ) identified = 1 #xchat.command('msg chanserv op all') log( 'notice_cb: Identifying with OperServ' ) if oper_password: log( 'notice_cb: Getting oper status' ) xchat.command('oper %s %s' % (main_nick, oper_password) ) xchat.command('mode %s %s' % (main_nick, oper_modes) ) elif notice == '[%s] has been ghosted.' % main_nick: log( 'notice_cb: Switching to main nick (killed)' ) xchat.command('nick %s' % main_nick ) elif notice == '%s is not online.' % main_nick: log( 'notice_cb: Switching to main nick (not online)' ) xchat.command('nick %s' % main_nick ) elif notice == 'You are already logged in as \x02%s\x02.': log( 'notice_cb: already identified' ) identified = 1 else: try: nick = not_registered.match(notice).group(1) except: return xchat.EAT_NONE # FIXME: check for the othernicks, with any number of underscores sfter them if nick in other_nicks and password: log( 'notice_cb: Killing main nick' ) xchat.command('nickserv ghost %s %s' % (main_nick, password) ) elif word[0] == operserv: if notice == 'You are now identified': #log( 'notice_cb: Getting op in #services' ) #xchat.command('msg chanserv op #services' % (main_nick, oper_password) ) #log( 'notice_cb: Joining #services' ) #xchat.command('join #services') pass return xchat.EAT_NONE def twilight_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): log( 'twilight_cb: %s' % word ) #log( 'twilight_cb: Joining #services' ) #xchat.command('join #services') # This is what we do when we notice our nick has changed def nick_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): global identified log( 'nick_cb: %s' % word ) if xchat.get_info('network') not in networks: return xchat.EAT_NONE identified = 0 try: old_nick = get_old_nick.match(word[0]).group(1) except: return xchat.EAT_NONE if old_nick != xchat.get_info('nick'): return xchat.EAT_NONE new_nick = word[2][1:] identified = 0 if new_nick == main_nick and password: log( 'nick_cb: Identifying' ) xchat.command('nickserv identify %s' % password ) # This is what to do when we initally connect to a network def welcome_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): global identified log( 'welcome_cb: %s' % word ) log( 'welcome_cb: %s' % xchat.get_info('network') ) if xchat.get_info('network') not in networks: return xchat.EAT_NONE log( 'welcome_cb: Welcomed' ) nick = word[2] identified = 0 if nick == main_nick: if password: log( 'welcome_cb: Identifying' ) xchat.command('nickserv identify %s' % password ) elif nick in other_nicks: if password: log( 'welcome_cb: Killing main nick' ) xchat.command('nickserv ghost %s %s' % (main_nick, password) ) def ghost_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): if xchat.get_info('network') not in networks: return xchat.EAT_NONE if password: log( 'ghost_cb: Killing main nick' ) xchat.command('nickserv ghost %s %s' % (main_nick, password) ) xchat.hook_server('NOTICE', notice_cb) xchat.hook_server('NICK', nick_cb) xchat.hook_server('001', welcome_cb) xchat.hook_server('381', twilight_cb) xchat.hook_command('GHOST', ghost_cb) # Run this when we get loaded up # So that we can resume control after being unloaded channels = xchat.get_list('channels') if channels: for channel in channels: log( 'on_load: loop' ) if channel.context.get_info('network') in networks: log( 'on_load: Identifying' ) if main_nick == channel.context.get_info('nick'): if not identified: if password: log( 'on_load: Identifying' ) channel.context.command('nickserv identify %s' % password ) break else: identified = 0 log( 'on_load: Switching to main nick' ) xchat.command('nick %s' % main_nick ) break log ('%s %s loaded' % (__module_name__, __module_version__))