- how-can-i-help: fix home dir handling
- apt: fix crashes in daily script (1, 2)
- autorevision: sed format, generate logo
- https-everywhere: add cdimage/get/cloud
- myrepos: fix home dir handling, vis: pass arguments to the commands
- whowatch: cleanups (1, 2, 3)
- coreboot: intelmetool cleanups (1, 2, 3)
- iotop: fix crash when time goes backwards (1, 2)
- check-all-the-things: add leaktracer, tmperamental, pycodestyle, remove ghc-mod, add MIME types, update docs (1, 2), embed-dirs, proselint, fix formatting, portability, wording, cmdline, extensions, no matching files remarks, safety (tmp flag, root flag, luacheck, puppet-lint, epubcheck, erl_tidy, complexity, rpmlint, ocaml-lintian), release (1, 2)
- spelling dictionaries:
- codespell: merory, dislaimer, cleean, accets, accet, skept, beetwen, bracese, gettetx, acknoledge(d), alternarive, architecure(s), architeture(s), archtecture(s), automaitc, automaitcally, backupped, bitwise-orring, buil, buipd, checkum(s), commmand, conent(s), confict(s/ed), consitency, continuting, corerct(ly), critcial, custome, damge, databse, deaemon, decleration, defninition(s), depency, derefencing, derivaties, divertion(s), documemt, dowgrade, dulicate, efective(ly), excplicit(ly), exlicite(ly), extrac, extracing, homapage, hopefuly, initalized, initliaze(d/r),inoquous, instad, installe, interst(s), japanses, keyowrd, likewis, meanin, meaninful, multilpe, necessay, negatve, objump, obselete, obsure, outweight(s), overide, packge, paralellization, paritial, pasteing, pathnme, piority, popullate(d), portguese, positve, processig, promt(s), psaswd, reapper(ed/ing), recusion, refector(ing), referene(s), reoport, scritpt(s), selecton(s), seperator(s), serach, silenty, simulantaneous(ly), situtation, soure(s), specidic, specifyied, spectular(ly), srcipt(s), statictic(s), symbsol(s), triggerd, unued, updat(s), updgrade, vietnamesea, was't, temmporary, rouge, certficate, documetnation, verticies, bultin, additionnal, messge, inlcude(d), firts, thant, differents, positionn, positionned, ressources, softwares, foppy, geometrie, cleanpu, cleanpus, hadling, syncting, conrtib, delivative(s), skelton, appliction(s), catched, downlod(s/ing), informations, complet(ly), aligne(ment)
- lintian: merory, dislaimer, cleean, accets, accet, skept, beetwen, bracese, gettetx, alternarive, architecure(s), architeture(s), archtecture(s), automaitc(ly), backupped, bitwise-orring, buil, buipd, checkum(s), confict(ed/s), consitency, continuting, corerct(ly), critcial, custome, damge, databse, deaemon, decleration, defninition(s), derefencing, derivaties, divertion(s), documemt, dowgrade, dulicate, efective(ly), excplicit(ly), exlicite(ly), extrac(ing), homapage, initalizer, initliaze(d/r), inoquous, instad, installe, interst(s), japanses, keyowrd, likewis, meanin(ful), multilpe, necessay, negatve, objump, obselete, outweight(s), paralellization, paritial, pasteing, pathnme, piority, popullate(d), portguese, processig, promt, promts, psaswd, reapper(ed/ing), recusion, refector(ing), referene(s), reoport, scritpt(s), selecton(s), seperators, serach, silenty, simulantaneous(ly), situtation, specidic, specifyied, spectular(ly), srcipt(s), statictic(s), symbsol(s), triggerd, unued, updat(s), updgrade, vietnamesea, was't, temmporary, rouge, documetnation, bultin, firts, thant, positionn, foppy, geometrie, cleanpu, cleanpus, hadling, syncting, ubutunu, conrtib, delivative(s), skelton, downlod(s/ing), complet, aligne
- Debian derivatives census: prefer long options, minimise diff output
- Debian QA: httpredir.d.o to deb.d.o
- Debian PTS: abbreviate newcomer to NC, add help to bugs panel, rework the patches panel (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), move Ubuntu items, add UbuntuDiff link, add derivs patches link (1, 2), add possible patches, strip bad white-space
- Debian DNS: add
- Debian admin wiki: fix path
- Debian meta-packages: fix
- Debian website: update merchandise information (1, 2, 3), update donations information, fix version for jessie ISOs, update an email address, enable release notes links (1, 2, 3), update cdimage links to https, update planeta links to planet es
- Debian userdir-ldap: fix default keyrings
- Debian DNS helpers: use yaml.safe_load
- Debian Fastly: use yaml.safe_load
- Debian mini-nag: use yaml.safe_load
- Debian DSA misc: use yaml.safe_load
- Debian nagios: use yaml.safe_load
- Debian ud: disable guest RTC accounts
- Debian userdir-ldap: disable guest RTC accounts
- Debian NM: fix graphs location
- Debian package uploads: check-all-the-things 2017.05.20
- Debian wiki pages: AlejandroRios, BrenoLeitao, CategoryPackaging, DataBase/Oracle, DebianDocumentation, (fr, it), DebianMentorsNet, DebianResources (es, zh_CN), DebianSpanish/Devel, DebianTaiwan/, Derivatives (Integration, Census Template, BlankOn, Parsix, VoyageLinux, VyOS), Exploits, Glossary (ja), Hardware/Certification (1, 2), HidekiYamane/memo, InstallingDebianOn, KevinMark, MaliGraphics, MemberBenefits, Mobile/BoF201708, NotSoFAQ, PaulWise/InterestingSoftware, PortsDocs/BootstrappingFPC, Promote/ButtonsAndBanners, ReleaseParty (SuiteTemplate, Stretch (Germany/Berlin, Germany/Darmstadt, USA/Atlanta), ReproducibleBuilds, ReproducibleInstalls, research/publications, SuitesAndReposExtension, tahoma, Teams (Auditor/Organizations, ReleaseTeam/ReleaseCheckList), UnofficialRepositories, ZRam
- Crashes in evolution, gnome-disk-utility
- Debian testing removal of check-all-the-things (1, 2)
- Move firefoxdriver from Debian non-free to main
- Normal issues in gnome-shell-timer
- Features in tmperamental, installation-birthday, multistrap, dnssec-trigger
- Broken source packages in Devuan (firejail)
- Broken bug handling in Devuan BTS
- Incorrect redirects in Devuan archive
- Typos in hadori
- Documentation issues in leaktracer, hlint
- Shell issues in leaktracer, tmperamental
- Security issues in cme (expanded from issues reported by Jakub Wilk), node-brace-expansion, MoinMoin Color2 macro, pastebinit
- Minor issues in dman
- Outdated info in
- Warnings in intelmetool
- Missing dependencies in samba-common-bin
- Spam: reported 3 LWN comments, 4 Debian bug reports and 224 Debian mailing list posts
- Debian wiki: RecentChanges for the month
- Debian screenshots:
- approved ansiweather, asunder,, binstats, blinken, boomaga, caca-utils,, catimg,, gnome-maps, gnunet-gtk, goldendict, handbrake, heaptrack-gui, iagno, irussian, kapman, katarakt, kolourpaint, kup-backup, lcrt, libts-bin, nuttcp, out-of-order, paris-traceroute, parole, pdmenu, pnmixer, polari, pong2, potool, psensor, qspeakers, quicktime-x11utils, qv4l2, radeontool, radeontop, read-edid, runlim, scram, screenfetch, silversearcher-ag, slmon, smem, smemcap, sndfile-programs, strace, subnetcalc, sweeper, symlinks, sysinfo, tiptop, trabucco, tree, unicode, wmfsm, wmgtemp, xara-gtk, xsysinfo,
- deleted nsis (not a screenshot),
- rejected gtkwave/gwave/jed/ktuberling/jaxe/irsim/algobox/qrouter/webcamoid/luminance-hdr/ricochet-im (copied from upstream), yosys (web page screenshot), xdu (not a useful screenshot), libts-bin (not a screenshot)
- approved deletion of arandr (copied from upstream, also "Doesn't represent true program.") pennmush (logo not a screenshot)
- approved deletion (despite bogus reason) of qspeakers (window decorations fine, duplicate)
- rejected deletion (despite valid reason) of borgbackup (no other screenshots)
- rejected deletion of synaptic (garbage in reason field)
- Debian: discuss mail bounces with a hoster, check perms of LE results, add 1 user to a group, re-sent some TLS cert expiry mail, clean up mail bounce flood, approve some TLS certs, do the samhain dance thrice, end 1 samhain mail flood, diagnose/fix LDAP update issue, relay DebConf cert expiry mails, reboot 2 non-responsive VM, merged patches for meta-package,
- Debian mentors: lintian/security updates & reboot
- Debian wiki: delete stray tmp file, whitelist 14 email addresses, disable 1 accounts with bouncing email, ping 3 persons with bouncing email
- Debian website: update/push index/CD/distrib
- Debian QA: deploy my changes, disable some removed suites in qadb
- Debian PTS: strip whitespace from existing pages, invalidate sigs so pages get a rebuild
- Debian derivatives census: deploy changes
- Openmoko: security updates & reboots.
- Invite Purism (on IRC), XBian (also on IRC), DuZeru to the Debian derivatives census
- Respond to the shutdown of Parsix
- Report BlankOn fileserver and Huayra webserver issues
- Organise a transition of Ubuntu/Endless Debian derivatives census maintainers
- Advocate against Debian having a monopoly on hardware certification
- Advocate working with existing merchandise vendors
- Start a discussion about Debian membership in other organisations
- Advocate for HPE to join the LVFS & support fwupd
All work was done on a volunteer basis.