- whohas: Fedora versions
- spelling dictionaries:
- codespell: compariable, suces, recude, droped, milisecond(s), quit(ing/t), availabilty, (in)sensitve, uncommment, programms, introsepection, compres(ion), mutliple, pacakges, responsing, satisifed, ofo, tiemstamp, individuelly, packe, requireing, unpacke, dianostic
- lintian: compariable, suces(fully), recude, quitt, availabilty, incidently, (in)sensitve, contian(s), introsepection, pacakges, satisifed, ofo, tiemstamp, individuelly, packe, requireing, unpacke, fixage
- Debian derivatives census: fix word, Python 3 (1 2 3)
- Debian buildd website: add recent build links, fix ordering
- Debian SF uscan redirector: hide OldFiles
- Debian security tracker: redmine issues
- Debian website: update iso639.txt links in translations, change auditor team links to treasurer team links, update CVE assignment documentation links, update outdated translations links, remove Unicode BOM
- Debian BTS usertags: move users to
- Debian package uploads: autorevision 1.21-1, talloc 2.1.9-2~bpo9+1, cmocka 1.1.1-1~bpo9+1
- Debian wiki pages: DebianEvents (fr/2017/Toulouse, gb/2017/MiniDebConfCambridge), DebianKernel/UserspaceTools, DebianLocations, DebianWiki/ko/FeedBack, Derivatives/CensusTemplate, Exploits, ExternalEntities, Glossary, Hardware/Wanted, Mentoring (1 2), MiniDebConf, MultimediaFetchingTools, nspawn, PaulWise/InterestingSoftware, Ports,, research/publications, skype, Sprints/2017/DebianCloudOct2017, SuitesAndReposExtension, Teams (Debbugs, Teams/ReleaseTeam/ReleaseCheckList)
- File Formats wiki pages: Graphics
- FFmpeg wiki pages: How to speed up / slow down a video
- Crashes in gnome-disks, gnome-shell, needrestart-session, plymouth, totem, powerdebug, offlineimap
- Removal of firebug
- Regressions in remmina
- New upstream for git-extras
- False positives in needrestart
- Packaging needed for node-web-ext
- Usability issues in
- Invalid links in debian-policy
- Conffile removal in bluez
- Warnings issues in dupload, minetest-mod-worldedit, minetest-mod-torches, minetest-mod-moreores, minetest-mod-moreblocks, minetest-mod-pipeworks, minetest-mod-craftguide, minetest-mod-advspawning, minetest-mod-player-3d-armor
- Using deprecated commands in cinnamon-common, cinnamon-core, gedit-latex-plugin, gnome-core, mate-desktop-environment-core, mate-menu, gigolo, gthumb, hexchat, xdg-utils
- Spam: reported 1 LWN comment and 317 Debian mailing list posts
- Debian packages: sponsored minetest-mod-craftguide 1.0-2
- Debian wiki: RecentChanges for the month
- Debian screenshots:
- approved clips, dictconv, faustworks, geeqie, gsequencer, hannah-foo2zjs, iceowl-extension, latexml, meshlab, needrestart, nzbget, ser-player, siril, tagua, tmate
- rejected oinkmaster (upstream, Windows/OpenBSD), dvipng (attempted XSS exploit), wadc (macOS), lm-sensors (Arabic board game), ser-player/diffpdf (Windows)
- approved deletion of spim (Windows)
- rejected deletion of tuxpaint/winetricks/tails-installer (junk reason), mrboom/kodi (not a deletion request reason)
- Debian: respond to mail debug request, redirect hardware access seeker to guest account, redirect hardware donors to porters, redirect interview seeker to DPL, reboot system with dead service
- Debian mentors: security updates, reboot
- Debian wiki: upgrade search db format, remove incorrect bans, whitelist email addresses, disable accounts with bouncing email, update email for accounts with bouncing email
- Debian website: remove need for a website rebuild
- Openmoko: restart web server, set web server process limits, install monitoring tool
The talloc/cmocka uploads and the remmina issue were sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.