- myrepos: cleanups (1 2 3 4 5 6), join team, update links (1 2 3), update install, add git-cvs extension
- spelling dictionaries:
- codespell: (non-)inreractive, acknowleding, aks, anymore, cloack(s), decommissionn(ed), delate, explicite(ly), german, incoporate(d/s), (mac)pakge, partitial, propigation, readapted, respository, restriced, russian, thats, varaible, wasn, thev, descritpion, chracters, segement, anlysis, discription, iff, iif, preambule, exchangable
- lintian: (non-)inreractive, acknowleding, aks, anymore, cloack(s), decommissionn(ed), delate, explicite, german, (mac)pakge, partitial, publical(y/ly), readapted, regresion, restriced, russian, sucessor, wasn, thev, breif, everytime, exemple, higest, laguage, anlysis, dammage, iff, iif, preambule, exchangable, wil
- Debian developers reference: cleanups
- Debian Planets: https for links
- Debian puppet: children-distros -> derivatives redirects
- Debian security tracker: update links (1 2), redmine, busybox, mistune (1 2)
- Debian website: ftpmaster delegation update, derivatives updates (1 2 3), donations wording fix
- Debian package uploads: flasm 1.62-9, 1.62-10
- Debian wiki pages: CarstenSchoenert, DebianKernel/UserspaceTools, Derivatives/Census (AlienVault-OSSIM, Apertis, Aptosid, ArcheOS, ArchivistaBox, Armbian, AstraLinux), DesktopEnvironment, Diagrams, EmbeddedCodeCopies, Fonts, LTS/Funding, MemberBenefits, Mobile, PaulWise/InterestingSoftware, SaneOverNetwork, Services/DebianFontReview, Statistics,
- DebConf wiki pages: Videoteam/Archive
- Crashes in wget, gedit-plugin-dashboard, totem
- Hangs in apt
- Upgrade needed on
- Contents header removal for reprepro, apt-file
- Rebuilds needed for debhelper regression
- Limiting needed in github-backup
- Warnings in gnome-terminal
- Features in dman (1 2)
- Spam: reported 1 LWN comment, 1 Debian bug report and 301 Debian mailing list posts
- Debian wiki: RecentChanges for the month
- Debian screenshots:
- approved anki, base-files, converseen, dwm, eagle, firefox, fonts-dseg, fonts-mplus, foxtrotgps, goxel, nfoview, pdfgrep, pitivi, planetblupi, python3-flask, ratpoison, screenie, supertuxkart, triplea, ucrpf1host, x11-xserver-utils, xorriso, xorriso-tcltk, zsh
- deleted pdfgrep (manual page)
- rejected aesfix/kross/ucf/x11-xkb-utils/bluez/base-passwd (usage output), x11-session-utils (manual page)
- approved deletion of perl (manual page), myrepos (web page)
- rejected deletion of qhimdtransfer (junk reason), supertuxkart (old screenshots are kept), gkamus (spam), cowsay-off (still an accurate screenshot)
- hexchat-addons: merged pull request
- Debian: fix LDAP issue, reenable webserver on a VM, redirect users to support channels
- Debian wiki: whitelist email addresses
- Debian website: check on a build issue
- Invite Slax to the Debian derivatives census
All work was done on a volunteer basis.