- repology: Arch Linux link, Alpine details, test fix
- iotop: Python 3
- myrepos: cache fix
- diffoscope: sorting, EDID
- git-extras: git-paste, improve git-sed
- foxtrotgps: cruft, roadmap
- whowatch: cruft, news, release, desktop (1 2 3)
- purple-discord: CPPFLAGS
- devscripts: deb.d.o
- dh-make: typo
- lintian: fix spelling docs, update links
- spelling dictionaries:
- codespell: swithch, metacharater(s), equivalant, exceptation, whishlist, worthing, myslef, annonymous, toogle, over(rr)id(dden/es), accapts, opiton(s), lable, pakvage, yau, platformt, potentail(s/ly), hsell, expirimental
- lintian: swithch, shiped, metacharater(s), equivalant, exceptation, whishlist, worthing, myslef, wraper, annonymous, some system over(rr)id(dden/es), derivitives, accapts, opiton(s), lable, pakvage, yau, platformt, potentail(s/ly), hsell, expirimental
- Debian mirrors:
- Debian package tracking system: bump policy ver
- Debian security data: whitespace, zodbpickle embed (1 2 3)
- Debian package tags: added tags for purple-discord, harmony
- Debian package uploads: purple-discord, foxtrotgps, whowatch, sysstat, libipc-run-perl (1 2) iotop
- Debian wiki pages: apt-get, Arm64Port, BuildingFormalBackports, DebianDak, DebianEvents/de/2018/MiniDebConfHamburg, DebianGis/MailingLists, DebianReleases, FrontPage, InstallingDebianOn/Olimex/Teres-I, KallesDesign, Mobile (1 2), PaulWise/InterestingSoftware, SublimeText, Teams/Dpkg/Downstream
- File Formats wiki pages: Notability
- FreeDesktop wiki: VideoAcceleration
- Crashes in evolution, gplaycli, androguard (1 2), python-moinmoin
- Regressions in evolution (Debian)
- Certificate expiry on,
- Conffile handling in libvirt-daemon-system
- Features in needrestart-session, file
- Memory leak in libipc-run-perl (1 2)
- Automatic updating needed in ftp.d.o/doc
- False negatives in shellcheck -x
- False positives in needrestart
- Warnings in needrestart-session
- Text issues in reportbug, horizon-eda, ssh-askpass-fullscreen
- Broken references in libharfbuzz-dev, anarchism
- Spam: reported 175 Debian mailing list posts
- Debian packages: sponsored acr
- Debian wiki: RecentChanges for the month
- Debian screenshots:
- approved cloudcompare drumkv1 dxf2gcode gajim gpxviewer link-grammar materia-gtk-theme mp3blaster mplayer-gui mtpaint padthv1 python3 sddm-theme-maui ssh-agent-filter ssh-askpass ssh-askpass-fullscreen ssh-askpass-gnome
- rejected dialog/kde-telepathy-debugger (screenshots of screenshots.d.n), kamailio (not a screenshot)
- approved deletion of zsh (shows oh-my-zsh)
- rejected deletion of gnome-blog/gkamus (spam reason), guitarix/gajim (screenshots are versioned), terminology (bogus reason)
- whowatch: release, contact downstreams
- Debian: redirect support request, investigate GDPR issues, investigate buildd kernel issue
- Debian wiki: investigate signup errors, whitelist email addresses, whitelist email domain
The purple-discord work, the sysstat backport and the libipc-run-perl patch backports were sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.