- mokomaze: https, warning, menu keywords (1 2)
- hexchat: show channel
- check-all-the-things: zstd MIME, php7cc, jsonlint-php verbosity
- devscripts: typos
- spelling dictionaries:
- codespell: hopmepage(s), soket(s), pytnon, builter(s), dictioanries, encoutner(s), initals, (short-)cicruit(s), alha variants, disalbe(s/d), enalbes, sitaution(s), referneced, embarrasingly, deploi(ed/ment(s)), depenendenc(e/y/ies), rovid(ing/e(d/s)), implent variants recogninse, manyal(s/ly), dynamlic(ally), speep(ed/ing/-up), influece(d/s/ing), packhage(s), manaul(s/ly), constraintes, (dis)similiar(y/ty), leat, projct(s/ion(s)/or(s)'s), (un/re)chek(ed), thik(s/nesses)
- lintian: hopmepage(s), soket(s), pytnon, builter(s), dictioanr(y/ies), encoutner(s), initals, (short-)cicruit(s), alha variants, disalbe(s/d), enalbe(s/d), sitaution(s), refernece(s/d), embarras(ed/ingly), deploi(ed/ment(s)), depenendenc(e/y/ies), rovid(ing/e(r/d/s), implent variants, manyal(s/ly), will be remove, intersting, dynamlic(ally), direcotr(y/ies), speep(ed/ing/-up), influece(d/s/ing), packhage(s), manaul(s/ly), constraintes, (dis)similiar(y/ty/ity), leat, projct(s/ion(s)/or(s)'s), (un/re)chek(ed), thik(s/ness/nesses)
- Debian Planets: add Elive
- Debian derivatives census: Python 3, typo, cruft (1 2), copyright
- Debian security tracker: edk2 refs
- Debian puppet: ports redirects
- Debian meta-packages: deriv.d.n deps
- Debian website: merch updates
- Debian wiki pages: CheapServerBoxHardware, DebianEdu/Status/Buster, DebianInstaller/Bugs, DebianMaintainer, Derivatives (Census (QA, Template (1 2), AstraLinux, Crunchbang, Freeduc, Hamara_Linux, HandyLinux, Huayra, LMDE, MetamorphoseLinux, OLPC, Open_Secure-K_OS, ParrotSecurity, ParrotSecurity, Parsix, rtros, semplice, SolusOS, SolydXK, SteamOS, Tails, Tanglu, Ubuntu, VoyageLinux, Vyatta, Whonix)), DeveloperNews (1 2), Digital_Cameras, Firmware/Updates, Hardware, IRC, LocalGroups/Debian-JP, MigrateToDDAccount, Outreachy/Round16/Projects/DerivativesIntegration, PaulWise/InterestingSoftware, Printing/GlossaryandIndex, StaticLinking, SystemBuildTools
- Wikipedia: Message-ID
- Crashes in php7cc, packagekit, merkaartor
- Broken archiving in debian-lts-announce (reported privately)
- Removal needed of ack-grep
- Dependency update needed in libtask-kensho-cli-perl
- Incorrect shell completion apt (1 2)
- Outdated documentation in dd-list
- Broken redirects on
- Time issues in restic
- Config issues in ssh-add
- Features in network-manager-gnome, gcr, lists.d.o (1 2), tracker.d.o, grep-excuses, apt, progress, aptitude, firefox
- Conffile removal in libgssapi-krb5-2, thermald, apparmor
- Spam: reported 3 LWN comments and 168 Debian mailing list posts
- Patches: merged uscan completion patch, merged derivatives census patches from Outreachy applicants and others
- Debian packages: sponsored mwic, acr
- Debian wiki: RecentChanges for the month
- Debian screenshots:
- approved codelite colortail colortest deluge fonts-fantasque-san fonts-fork-awesome fonts-glasstty fonts-hack fonts-lmodern freeipmi-tools gdigi ginkgocadx gnome-shell gsequencer kakoune keepassxc khal kirigami-gallery librecad lxdm notion picard qbittorrent quodlibet screenfetch solvespace thonny vitetris
- rejected postgresql (logo), gambas3-gb-gui-qt/libjs-tv4 (not screenshot), variety (macOS)
- approved deletion of ranger (offensive), i3 (another package)
- rejected deletion of reportbug/gparted/network-manager-gnome/synaptic (nonsense reasons),
- Debian: investigate MSA issue, investigate Fastly outage, investigate buildd issue, forwarded mail bounce info
- Debian wiki: unblacklist IP range, clean up stray tmp files, whitelist email addresses, ask on IRC about accounts with bouncing email, ping accounts with bouncing email, disable accounts with bouncing email
- Debian derivatives census: merge patches, deploy changes, clean up cruft, delete giant source packages
- Prod about and send Debian Misc Developer News edition 46
All work was done on a volunteer basis.