- purple-discord: gitignore
- myrepos: link to v script
- spelling dictionaries:
- codespell: algorithm variants, adaquate(ly), autors, incoropate(s), phyiscs, veresion(s), compatibile, cricital, descriptuve, dowload, possitives, distrubute(d), mashine(s)
- lintian: alogirhtm, adaquate(ly), autor(s), incoropate(s), phyiscs, veresion(s), compatibile, cricital, descriptuve, dowload(s), possitive(s), distrubute(d), mashine(s)
- Debian Planets: update ThengOS logo (1 2), use RSS overrides for Meilix/Whonix/LMDE
- Debian security tracker: libfprint nbis embed, whitespace
- Debian package uploads: purple-discord (1 2)
- Debian wiki pages: AndroidTools/IntroBuildingApps, DebianCustomCD/MoveInstallerUdebs, DebianLocations, Derivatives/Census (QA, Elive (1 2), LMDE, Meilix, ThengOS, Whonix), FortunesDebianHints, Games/Sponsors, Glossary, HostingBSP, IRC/debian-meeting, Mentoring, Mentors, MIPSPort, OpenVPN, PaulWise/InterestingSoftware, SecureBoot/Testing, Services, Teams/Publicity/Release, Teams/ReleaseTeam/ReleaseCheckList/BusterCheckList, UnattendedUpgrades
- Crashes in vlc-plugin-bittorrent
- Hangs in nocache
- Upgrade failure in linux-perf
- Compile warnings in purple-discord (1 2)
- Underlinking in zvbi
- Features in lintian-brush, nocache (1 2)
- New versions of sed, grep
- Spam: reported 2 LWN comments and 274 Debian mailing list posts
- Debian packages: sponsored open-ath9k-htc-firmware (1 2)
- Debian wiki: RecentChanges for the month
- Debian screenshots:
- approved amarok amoeba bmon cheesecutter clementine cqrlog deepin-icon-theme filezilla fonts-allerta fonts-gamaliel fonts-paratype freedv galois geg ghostwriter gnome-recipes gnome-usage grig hddtemp juk kspaceduel kwrite lgeneral libcdio-utils lsscsi osmo pciutils plymouth-theme-hamara qrencode qtox usbutils wsjt xsysinfo
- rejected thinkfan (help output), chrome-gnome-shell (wrong package)
- rejected deletion of phpbb3/gnome-blog/gkamus/xgalaga++ (spam reason), olive (screenshots are versioned)
- Debian: answer query about LDAP signing
- Debian wiki: unblacklist IP addresses, fix login issue, whitelist email addresses
- Mentoring of Outreachy derivatives project
The purple-discord work was sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.