- git-extras: cleanups, allow POSIX shell, shellcheck new scripts
- git-remote-bzr: Breezy support
- check-all-the-things: verbosity levels (cppcheck, mandoc, shellcheck)
- devscripts: avoid String::ShellQuote, drop duplicate aging excuse
- Debian screenshots: deleted hostname screenshot (manual page)
- Debian security tracker: fix links
- Debian new member service: fix language separators
- Debian package tracker: update links, drop duplicate aging excuse
- Debian QA services: drop duplicate aging excuse
- Debian website: fix links (1 2)
- Debian wiki code: translated codename page support
- Debian wiki pages: lots of reversions of bogus category additions, AirPrint, AndreyRahmatullin/PythonTests, apcupsd, Apt/Daemon, AptMove, Beaver, BluetoothUser, BTS, Bugzilla/Discussion, CategoryEmdebian, CategoryPrinter, CategoryWireless, CDDVD, chroot, ConfigPackages, CrossGrading, DebianBuster, DebianDay/2019, DebianEvents/ch/2019/Vaumarcus/Registration, DebianInstaller (Manual, Preseed), DebianKernel/GitBisect, DebianPeru/Eventos, DebianPureBlends, DebianSoftware, DebianStretch, DebianWiki/EditorGuide, Derivatives/Census/PakOS, Diagrams, DiskFreeSpace, FingerprintAuthentication, Firmware, GIMP, HardwareDatabase, Hardware (Database, Wanted), HighPerformanceComputing, HowToIdentifyADevice, IRC, MATE, MemberBenefits, MicrosoftVirtualPc2007/lenny, Mobile, mp3, NetworkFAQ, nodiscc, OpenVz, Parted, Pop_the_trunk, SecurityManagement, Software (1 2), SoundFormats, Teams/DebianWiki, TerminalEmulator, WebBrowsers, WindowsServerHyperV, zh_CN/Bugzilla
- FOSSJobs wiki pages: resources
- Crashes in netsurf
- Missing source in xserver-xorg-video-ast
- Random seeding issues in Debian installer finish-install, Calamares
- Removal proposed for netsurf (sent privately)
- Python 2 EOL issues in git-remote-bzr, pyew
- Features in nsntrace, git-remote-bzr (1 2), pnopaste, sbuild, pbuilder, Debian developers-reference, devscripts synaptic, fatrace, adequate, shellcheck, aptitude
- Merging needed for pyew
- Dependency issues in chromium, gem
- Broken symlinks in libclang-cpp9
- Missing files in lsof
- Minor issues in pyew, arch-test
- Spam: reported 179 Debian mailing list posts
- Debian wiki: RecentChanges for the month
- Debian screenshots:
- approved adwaita-icon-theme anjuta ansilove ardour birdfont ca-certificates-java carmetal clearlooks-phenix-theme configure-debian coreutils crystalcursors debconf dmz-cursor-theme dvdisaster e2fsprogs eog eog-plugin-exif-display epiphany-browser etherape faenza-icon-theme fonts-adf-baskervald fonts-adf-berenis fonts-adf-gillius fonts-adf-ikarius fonts-adf-irianis fonts-adf-libris fonts-adf-mekanus fonts-adf-oldania fonts-adf-romande fonts-adf-switzera fonts-adf-tribun fonts-adf-universalis fonts-adf-verana fonts-havana galculator gdebi gdisk gigolo gnome-accessibility-themes gnome-brave-icon-theme gnome-dust-icon-theme gnome-human-icon-theme gnome-illustrious-icon-theme gnome-noble-icon-theme gnome-themes-extra gnome-usage gnome-wine-icon-theme gnome-wise-icon-theme gparted gpicview handbrake hledger hledger-web initramfs-tools libxfce4ui-utils links2 mount net-tools network-manager-gnome orage parole qdirstat redmine shiki-colors-xfwm-theme solaar thunar virt-manager xfburn xfce4-dict xfce4-equake-plugin xfce4-eyes-plugin xfce4-genmon-plugin xfce4-goodies xfce4-mount-plugin xfce4-notes xfce4-notes-plugin xfce4-notifyd xfce4-panel xfce4-places-plugin xfce4-power-manager-plugins xfce4-screensaver xfce4-screenshooter xfce4-settings xfce4-systemload-plugin xfce4-taskmanager xfce4-terminal xfce4-timer-plugin xfce4-verve-plugin xfce4-weather-plugin xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin xfce4-xkb-plugin xfdesktop4 xzgv zeal
- rejected gnome-colors (documentation/description), gtk3-nocsd (usage howto), gdebi-core (manual page), xfce4-settings/libxfce4ui-utils/xfce4-mount-plugin/xfdesktop4/dvdisaster/hostname/gparted/debconf/gdebi/cdebconf-gtk/coreutils/enscribe (other packages), xfce4-panel (too much additional UI), enscribe (help output)
- approved deletion of yoshimi (duplicate screenshot), xgraph (different program), searchmonkey (different OS)
- rejected deletion of yoshimi (not an exact duplicate), onboard/gimp-ufraw (greeting), guitarix (screenshots are versioned), gkamus/phpbb3/fonts-allertaop/exiv2/ola-rdm-tests (spam),
- Debian: redirect users to support channels
- Debian wiki: whitelist email addresses/domains, deploy changes
- Debian QA services: deploy changes, disable cron job, run cron job
- Debian package tracker: deploy changes
All work was done on a volunteer basis.