This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.
- pydispatcher: fix doc build with Python 3.11
- pyemd: cleanups
- sourcehut: add repo description to git, hg summary page titles
- Debian security tracker: add more CVE search services
- Debian BTS usertags: fixed some cross, ftp-master, website, porting usertags
- Debian screenshots:
- deleted wine (WinXP not Wine)
- Debian package uploads: python-docutils, pydispatcher, celery
- Debian wiki pages: ArchitectureSpecificsMemo, BSP,, DebConf/25/Bids/Portugal, DebianDay, (2022, 2023), DebianDesktop/Artwork/Bookworm, DebianIndia/MiniDebConfTamilNadu2023, DebianNetDomains, DeveloperNews, Exploits, Hardware/Wanted, HostingBSP, InstallingDebianOn, IRC, LTS/Development, Netbeans, PlanetDebian, PortalTemplate, Ports (arc, ia64, loong64, riscv64 (1 2)), PortTemplate, PressCoverage, Printing, PrivacyIssues, (ArchiveTesting, MIATeam), Sprints, SystemBuildTools, Year
- FOSSjobs wiki pages: Resources
- Security issue with a software hosting service (sent privately)
- Crashes in alot, pypi2deb
- Missing dependency in itinerary
- Broken link in buskill
- Bogus package description in yq
- Future orphaning of purple-discord, harmony
- Features in libpipeline, lintian (1 2)
- Migration to pyproject.toml needed for pyemd
- Spam: reported 2 Debian bug reports and 38 Debian mailing list posts
- Debian packages: sponsored cruft-ng (x2)
- Debian wiki: RecentChanges for the month
- Debian BTS usertags: changes for the month
- Debian screenshots:
- approved adjtimex apt bfbtester check-dfsg-status checksec cpu-x ctwm dconf-editor debian-archive-keyring debian-keyring deepin-log-viewer dpkg-www edgar elektroid extremetuxracer glances glew-utils glogg gnome-characters gnome-font-viewer gnome-tweaks grub-customizer hashalot hashrat hexcurse hexter hexyl ldm ldm-ubuntu-theme ldm-ubuntu-themes libc-bin linuxinfo lsof netr poedit prusa-slicer qdmr sawfish thefuck ttf-mscorefonts-installer twm util-linux-extra
- rejected nvidia-smi (non-free), gir1.2-gtop-2.0 (error message), stockfish (random chess website), nodm (black screen), ldm (Windows), awscli (logo), hostap-utils (QR code photo), wine (WSL not Wine), apt (screenshots website), orthanc (private patient info), ipython3-qtconsole (wallpaper), qarecord (portrait photo)
- Debian BTS: unarchive/reopen/triage bugs for reintroduced packages cycle/pygopherd and ask about guile-2.2 reintroduction bugs
- Debian IRC: fix topic/info of obsolete channel
- Debian wiki: unblock IP addresses, approve accounts, approve domains.
- Respond to queries from Debian users and contributors on the mailing lists and IRC
The celery, docutils, pyemd work was sponsored. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.