
Undocumented file formats revealed!

Sailing the high seas!

Escaping for 3 months to sail the high seas in SE Asia! flickr photostream is: pabulous_katastrophic_adventures. Please email me if you wanna meet up in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia or Thailand for GPG signings/whatever.

I feel a bit sad leaving Debian just before the etch release (and just before I become a developer) and leaving synfig (GPLed 2D vector animation studio) just when more people are needed to help out.

Hopefully I'll be able to get some work done on hhm/chmdeco/chmspec while I'm away, I especially look forward to figuring out some of the stuff that Matthew's ITSF spec got wrong and bits that are unknown, especially the weird things with CHW files.

Free software experiences

Sunday I tried opening chmspec in conglomerate. It crashed. So I went on irc and an hour or so later (wish i had a distcc cluster), I'd filed a bug and it had been fixed (thanks to nvs for not letting me ignore it). Warm fuzzy feelings abound.

Trojans read chmspec!

So, today I got this guy messaging me via msn saying he got infected by a trojan from a CHM. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary (apart from the fact he was messaging me), but anyway, he said that it was accessing my CHM spec, specifically the INI page. Weirdness. Anyway, in the process I convinced him to try out gaim on his mandrake laptop, which he mentioned he was liking a lot. Hopefully tomorrow he'll send me some analysis of the thing, or send it to an antivirus company/group and keep me informed. Hmmmmmm...

First advogato post

Finally got meself an account after lurking here for years.

On the free software side of things I just (not 30 min ago) released a minor update to chmspec. Yeah, I know it's GFDL & there are non-freeness issues with that particular licence, but as far as I know there are no proper alternatives as yet.
